Patent protection in India- Secure your invention

Patent protection in India abstract image
Secure your invention with patent

What is definition of patent ? What is mean by Patent protection and how to get it in India?

Before you read about patent protection in India, know what is a patent first. Patent for you can be an intellectual property, right or tradable asset. You can define patent as what you expect it to do on the grounds of making, using, importing or selling it. In short, you are the owner of the invention and nobody can do above actions related to your patent without your permission.

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Patent registration process in India – 11 step guide

patent registration process in india
There are steps and direction for patent registration process in India

11 Steps for how to get a patent in India

Patent registration process comprises of 11 major steps. You can follow these steps if you want to get a strong protection for your patent application. Steps should not be rearranged, or it will give undesirable results and would waste your time and money.

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Non patentable in India – 17 inventions to avoid

non patentable inventions warning india
Avoid these inventions

17 Inventions not patentable in India

Non patentable inventions are here to protect peoples and governments interest for development of the country. This should be first step if you ever want to apply for a patent in India. The following types of invention are not considered to be protected under Indian Patent Act. Read Chapter 2

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पेटेंट का खर्च- patent cost – ७ चरण देंगे जवाब

Fees in Rupees for patent in India
Cost of getting a Patent in India

पेटेंट का खर्च का निकालने के ७ चरण  

हर शोधकर्ता या उद्योजक को ये सवाल पड़ता है की आखिर भारत और अन्य देशों में पेटेंट पाने के लिए कितना खर्च होगा?  पेटेंट का खर्च (Rs ६,०००  से ४५,००० /-)जवाब कोई एक आंकड़ा नहीं है, क्योंकि इसमें पहले निचे दिए मुद्दे तय होना महत्वपूर्ण है। हम इसमें आपके कागज, छपाई इ. छोटे खर्च नहीं शामिल करेंगे।Read in English here.

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Patent registration cost in India – Quick 7 stages

Image showing Indian currency for patent registration cost
Cost of patent in India

7 stages of calculating patent registration cost in India

Every researcher or entrepreneur has a question that how much will it cost to get a patent in India and other countries? Patent registration cost is approximately Rs. 6,000 – Rs 45,000.The answer is not a single figure, because, it is important to know about below mentioned stages regarding cost of patenting procedure in India. We will exclude costs of paper, printing etc. i.e. excluded smaller expenses. हिंदी में

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