How to do Business Development in IP Firms?

‘Patent Flow’ is the only PCT national phase analytical platform for law firms in India which provides up to date filings and exclusive features regarding business development. If your law firm is looking to increase the share of national phase filings, read this. You’ll be assured that data is the key to get most out of your business development efforts.

‘Patent Flow’ is a nearing collection of 4000 work sending IP firms through PCT in India. So, how to target Firms or Applicants which have the highest possibility to be a partner ?

To save time in finding new prospects for PCT National phase filing, we provide subscribers with pre-analysed weekly reports of IP firms and Applicants they can work with.

It’s necessary to understand what makes them a prospect?

Image1: This is what the front of the report looks like.

It says that “they are prospects because they show change in their recent filing behaviour”. The report is weekly published, and this one has identified 22 Prospect IP Firms, 30 Prospect Applicants and 5 In-house Prospects.

I’ll try to explain a few of them.

National University of Singapore > Marks & Clerk (Singapore)

Image 2: Prospects Recent Filing Behaviour

It means “On 31st Jan. 2020, Indian Patent Office journal published national phase entry of a applicant named ‘National University of Singapore’ which shows change in its filing behaviour as compared to previous filings by the same applicant.”

The change shows that now National University of Singapore has S. Majumdar & Co. as their national phase representative for the first time (not seen in year/s). Such 1 application is present in that journal by the applicant. And not to forget, Marks & Clerk (Singapore) is PCT representative for that application.

Then there is a table with the last 5 applications by National University of Singapore. Importantly, filing and publication dates show they are early publications. Last two entries are by Marks & Clerk (Singapore) and still those entries are gone with 2 different Indian firms (S. Majumdar & Co. & Lexorbis), that too with the same field (Chemical). By this table we can safely assume that either National University of Singapore or Marks & Clerk (Singapore) is distributing filings in India.

These are your prospects!!

At this stage, we don’t know all PCT firms like Marks & Clerk (Singapore) and S. Majumdar & Co. worked for the National University of Singapore. To have a clear understanding of relations among them and competitors, we need to look at related previous filings.

The flow diagram easily helps to visualise the past complex data.

Image3: PCT route patent flow from National University of Singapore to India and related representatives.

Little more history of National University of Singapore reveals interesting filing behaviour. Relationship between other PCT and National Phase representatives looks straightforward. For example, Amica Law LLC sent all applications to K&S Partners.

Here too, Marks & Clerk (Singapore) show previous relations with Krishna & Saurastri Associates LLP and Khurana & Khurana. So combination of National University of Singapore and Marks & Clerk (Singapore) distributed work to 4 Indian IP Firms, S Majumdar & Co. being the latest among receivers.

How much potential do the National University of Singapore and Marks & Clerk (Singapore) hold ?

Before going to the potential of Marks & Clerk (Singapore), let’s see these numbers below.

Image 4: Potential Business Opportunity for IP Firms and competition.

This shows the PCT applications made by the applicant later than those that were already entered in India. National University of Singapore might have a que of 82 potential entries in India based on WIPO Gazette. Definitely worth developing a connection with multiple departments and IP cells there in University.

All those 82 applications may enter the national phase in India. 5 PCT and 8 National phase representatives will compete for them. Competition on the National phase side is higher than PCT side firms. This is unusual, so your firm can have a greater chance of winning share just by developing stronger relationships with PCT side IP firms.

Until now we never left National University of Singapore in the above analysis. Yes, S. Majumdar & Co. got the application from applicant and Marks & Clerk (Singapore) is on the PCT side.

But what relation do Marks & Clerk and S. Majumdar & Co. exhibit ?

Image 5: Historical relation between Indian & Foreign IP Firm

In recent 94 PCT national phase entries of Marks & Clerk as representative only 2 (17%) are with S. Majumdar & Co.. 1 entry is the latest that we talked about earlier and other dates back to 7th Jan. 2019, almost a year back. There are very less common applications among these two IP firms.

Maybe these IP firms just started to strengthen the bond or has Applicant decided on a national phase side firm name ?

Your firm should target both!

Now you have understood what is being displayed and how to read in between the data. I am sharing two more pairs of prospects, let’s see what you can make out of those.

Hint: Watch out for the country of PCT representatives as well.

Leave your responses at

Precast wall connection – Faster and easier method

Precast wall connection example
Precast Wall Connection is Critical here!

Traditional approach of building shear walls

Precast India Infrastructures Ltd have come up with new method of precast wall connection. They highlighted it as faster and easier than known methods. Construction industry today cast shear walls entirely on-site. This on-site work includes :

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Autonomous Driving – Distance sensor calibration by Samsung

Google modified prius for autonomous driving
Google driver-less car operating on a testing path By:Flckr user jurvetson (Steve Jurvetson) CC2.0

Autonomous Driving or Self Driving

In the last decade, information communication technology and the vehicle industry came together for better driving experience. Now, day by day, the cars are rapidly becoming smarter than expected. Now, the cars aren’t just mechanical machines, rather they are becoming more smarter to the extent that they can drive themselves. We call it, in particular, autonomous driving. Autonomous driving is being most talked about core technology of smart cars.

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Grinding Wheel innovation – No vibrations, noise and lasts longer

man grinding metal with machine
Grinding operation produce noise and vibration

Normal Grinding Wheel

A normal grinding wheel has a support body made of steel with a central coupling region for the connection of the grinding wheel on a rotational drive. The carrier body has a peripheral surface on which an abrasive coating is applied. In the grinding operation, grinding wheel causes a deafening noise, so the use of a hearing protection is required. The reason for the noise is those vibrations generated during grinding operation. Vibrations transmit on all areas of the grinding wheel and also on the work-piece being machined. Because of the vibrations, the accuracy and the quality of the milling result may be adversely affected.

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AC Distraction – New ‘jazzed’ AC controllers and vents

AC Distracting controls image
Distracting AC control


AC Distraction Issue

Air-conditioning device can easily distract drivers attention from the road, which represents a security risk. There are many efforts taken by automobile manufacturers and transport regulation authorities to minimize distracted driving. AC distraction can be fatal. The subject is now considered as mainstream while designing interiors of the vehicles.  

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Patent application – best stage of development to apply?

Patent Application – When to apply for a patent in India ?

Calendar showing patent timeline
Patent application time strategy

Don’t make a mistake with a patent application, apply for a patent before publishing your invention anywhere in public domain. In India, in case of there two or more applicant for the same invention, ‘first to file patent system is followed. The applicant who applies for a patent first, gets the patent rights. This ‘first to file rule(Read first to file vs first to invent) emphasises need to file a patent as early as possible.

Continue reading “Patent application – best stage of development to apply?”

Patent protection in India- Secure your invention

Patent protection in India abstract image
Secure your invention with patent

What is definition of patent ? What is mean by Patent protection and how to get it in India?

Before you read about patent protection in India, know what is a patent first. Patent for you can be an intellectual property, right or tradable asset. You can define patent as what you expect it to do on the grounds of making, using, importing or selling it. In short, you are the owner of the invention and nobody can do above actions related to your patent without your permission.

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Patent registration process in India – 11 step guide

patent registration process in india
There are steps and direction for patent registration process in India

11 Steps for how to get a patent in India

Patent registration process comprises of 11 major steps. You can follow these steps if you want to get a strong protection for your patent application. Steps should not be rearranged, or it will give undesirable results and would waste your time and money.

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Non patentable in India – 17 inventions to avoid

non patentable inventions warning india
Avoid these inventions

17 Inventions not patentable in India

Non patentable inventions are here to protect peoples and governments interest for development of the country. This should be first step if you ever want to apply for a patent in India. The following types of invention are not considered to be protected under Indian Patent Act. Read Chapter 2

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पेटेंट का खर्च- patent cost – ७ चरण देंगे जवाब

Fees in Rupees for patent in India
Cost of getting a Patent in India

पेटेंट का खर्च का निकालने के ७ चरण  

हर शोधकर्ता या उद्योजक को ये सवाल पड़ता है की आखिर भारत और अन्य देशों में पेटेंट पाने के लिए कितना खर्च होगा?  पेटेंट का खर्च (Rs ६,०००  से ४५,००० /-)जवाब कोई एक आंकड़ा नहीं है, क्योंकि इसमें पहले निचे दिए मुद्दे तय होना महत्वपूर्ण है। हम इसमें आपके कागज, छपाई इ. छोटे खर्च नहीं शामिल करेंगे।Read in English here.

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